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The healthiest dinner: quick and easy steamed fish (easy recipes)

The healthiest dinner: quick and easy steamed fish (easy recipes)
You probably already know that you're supposed to be eating fish twice to three times a week. Fish are a lean, healthy source of protein - and the oily kinds, such as salmon, mackerel, trout or sardines - deliver heart and brain healthy omega-3 fats (DHA and EPA).

To be good for you and also for the planet, the fish must have low levels of mercury and be high in health-promoting omega-3 fats. Five healthiest choices you can make are: Atlantic mackerel, freshwater Coho salmon, pacific sardines (the tiny sardine packs more omega-3s than salmon, tuna or just about any other food and it's also one of the very few foods that are naturally high in vitamin D), salmon, ideally the wild-caught and from Alaska and also salmon in the can - canned salmon (again ideally wild-caught and from Alaska) - makes a more affordable way to get this healthy food in your diet.

1) The minimalist steamed fish (serves 2)

Use two fillets of salmon, cod or another white fish fillets or one large halibut steak. Steam it 4 to 8 minutes or until the fish is done (up to 12 minutes for a large halibut steak) with nothing on it. Remove the fish to a warm plate and drizzle with 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil and juice of one half lemon. Sprinkle with coarse salt and enjoy.

2) Salmon on vegetables (serves 4)

Cut carrots, celery stalk and a red onion into small pieces. Mix the vegetables, season a little with salt and freshly ground pepper and put a layer of this vegetable mixture in a steamer. Start steaming vegetables. Remove skin and all the bones from the salmon. Sprinkle the fillets with salt and pepper on both sides and place the fish on the vegetables that are boiling in the steam. You can sprinkle with grated lemon peel, but only if you have chemically untreated lemons. In about ten minutes, salmon should be ready. Serve with potatoes roasted with a few thyme leaves.

3) Herbs and lemon steamed fish (serves 1)

Cooking fish in a bag (wrapped in foil)  helps to infuse the flavours and lock in the moisture. First preheat oven to 180 degrees and cut a piece of baking paper. Place a fillet of a firm white, non-oily fish (snapper, trout, sea bass, cod, halibut, sole, turbot or wild barramundi) in the centre and top with one slice lemon, one tablespoon coconut oil or organic butter, one small handful of fresh cilantro (coriander) or dill, one tablespoon of coconut sugar and a pinch of sea salt. Then bring the long ends of the paper together and fold down securely several times, then fold down the ends tightly under the fish. Bake for 25 minutes and serve with all its cooking juices.

4) Thai style trout (serves 2)

Place two 140 g trout filets side by side on a large square of the aluminium foil. Garnish the fish with one chopped clove of garlic, a small piece of peeled and sliced ​​fresh ginger, a small, finely chopped seedless red chilli pepper and a grated peel of one lime. Squeeze the limejuice over the fish, and then lay the leaves of the young Chinese cabbage (Pak choy), cut into pieces, and season it with two tablespoons of light soy sauce. Fold the aluminium sheet to create a package. Leave some space in the upper part for the steam. Boil in a steamer for 15 minutes. If you do not have a steaming pot, put the package on a plate that you place on the bottom of the pan filled with some boiling water, and cover the pan with the lid. Serve with jasmine rice and sprinkle with finely roasted sesame seeds.

5) Fish with cabbage (serves 4)

Fold four 150 g portions of white fish and sprinkle with two chopped red chilli peppers and three teaspoons of freshly grated ginger. Cut 600 g of cabbage into thin strips and boil in steam for 5 minutes. Then place the fillets over the cabbage and cook for another 5 minutes. Meanwhile, warm 4 teaspoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of sesame oil in a pan, add 4 cloves of thinly sliced garlic and roast. Place the fish and cabbage on a warm plate, season each piece of fish with a teaspoon of light soy sauce and a part of garlic with oil.
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