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5 Pillars of healthy lifestyle

Everybody talks about healthy lifestyle and everybody wants to live healthy, but do you actually know which areas are important for keeping your body and mind in good shape?

  • healthy lifestyle
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Give Your Hands 15 Minutes a Day

So you want to have a tight body and nicely shaped hands, but the gym is not your cup of tea. We have five tricks for you to give your hands just the right muscular look. Recent trends in working out have one thing in common. Simplicity.

  • fit
  • hands exercises
  • muscles
  • workout
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Romanesco – Discover A New Ingredient For Your Salads

One of the most bizarre vegetables is definitely Romanesco. The first mention of this lettuce appeared already in the 16th century in northern Italy. Romanesco is boosted with vitamins, minerals and other healthy nutrients.

  • healthy vegetables
  • recipes
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Legumes as a great and nutritious side dish

Legumes are premium plant proteins, which additionally contain a lot of fibre while having a low fat content. Legume salads will be an excellent side dish to accompany small portions of meat or fish or can be eaten separately as a filling mid-day meal.

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  • recipes
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Why and how much protein does our body really need?

Trend of high protein diets has conquered the world. Our body simply cannot work properly without getting enough of protein. Why do we need it and how to make sure there is sufficient amount of protein in your diet?

  • healthy food
  • protein
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Breathing Is Life – But Can We Breathe Properly?

As a result of our environment we often do not breathe properly. The skill of proper breathing is not difficult to achieve. These couple of breathing exercises, will quickly help you concentrate, get rid of stress, or overcome addictions.

  • Breathing
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The best from our magazine

5 Pillars of healthy lifestyle


Everybody talks about healthy lifestyle and everybody wants to live healthy, but do you actually know which areas are important for keeping your...

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Give Your Hands 15 Minutes a Day

Published: 19 Oct 2017

So you want to have a tight body and nicely shaped hands, but the gym is not your cup of tea. We have five tricks for you to give your hands just...

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